Dates for your Diary
Friday 15th March – Dress Up in Green Day – Irish Dancing and Quizes
P7 Classes visit An Culturlainn – Hunger Famine Exhibition
Monday 20th March – P7 Classes “Tasty Science” Roadshow
Friday 22nd March – Miss Flood’s P5 Class Assembly
Tuesday 26th March – Confessions: P5, P6 and P7 classes
Monday 1st April – P7 Carlingford Meeting for parents @ 3:15pm
Monday 1st April – Nursery Class – Forest Schools Visit
Tuesday 2nd April – Friends of Steelstown meeting in school @ 7pm All Welcome
Wednesday 3rd April – Mayors Reception for Steelstown P.S. Road Safety Team and families on recognition of winning Northern Ireland Cup
Friday 5th April Assembly: P2 Miss McElhinney’s class
Monday 8th April – “Science Fest Day”
Nursery Class visit – Forest Schools
Tuesday 9th April – Primary 7 – Confirmation @ 5pm
Photographs and Refreshments afterwards in school
Wednesday 10th April – Confirmation Photographs in school
Friday 12th April – Strictly Kool Kidz Dancing Competition in Everglades Hotel
Sunday 14th April – DTIM Mass @ 11am – Primary 4 Classes
Tuesday 16th April – “Ditch the Stabizers” P3 + P4 Classes
Thursday 25th April – Feis Doire – History P4 Competition Millenium Forum @2pm
Friday 26th April – Feis Doire – Choral Verse Competition A.M Millenium Forum
Monday 29th April – School Bus Clon Elagh and Glenabbey to begin today
Thursday 2nd May – Local Elections – School will be closed
Friday 3rd May – Jive Aces visit Steelstown P.S
Sentinus Robotics

Year 7 had an amazing day with Joanne from Sentinus- IT's Your Choice - Robotics . Pupils took part in STEM challenges learning how to programme and code Boe-Bots. Pupils thoroughly enjoyed using their Maths, Science, Engineering and Technology skills in such a fun interactive activity!
Badger Drama Award

Congratulations to Steelstown P.S. Badger Sett who won 1st place in Drama Competition in the Western Area of St John’s Ambulance which took place in Methodist Church on Carlisle Road. Team members are Nora, Sarah,Evan, Matthew and James . Well done on your creativity, innovation and team work. Eco awareness tips were great as was your musicality. Huge thanks to our leaders Miss McCafferty and Mrs Hutton and well done on your achievements also .
World Book Day

World book day was great fun at Steelstown Primary School today.
It began with a 'Booky Breakfast' in the canteen.
Throughout the day, the children enjoyed listening to many stories.
A big thank you to Jim Craig, Deirdre McLaughlin and Pat Carlin who were fantastic story tellers.
There were some fantastic costumes too.
Help your Child Parent Programme

Congratulations to our Primary 6 parents on completing the “Help Your Child” Parent Programme. Well done to all of you . You were a great group to work with. Pictured are some of the Primary 6 parents with Mrs Gillen .
Ditch The Stabilizers

Thank you to the children from P.1 and P.2 and their parents who attended the Ditch the Stabilisers event.
The children worked really hard and learned some excellent cycling skills.
Some of the children even managed to cycle on their own.
A big thank you to Ronan Mc Laughlin, our Sustrans Active Travel Officer.
Families Connect

Steelstown PS are committed to ensuring that every child reaches their full potential. Evidence tells us that a positive home learning environment contributes to a child's readiness to learn and has a positive impact on children's educational outcomes. Families Connect programme provides guidance to parents and carers and supports them to create a home environment that enhances and promotes learning.
The programme provides a series of activities, techniques and games parents and carers can practise with their children, whilst in the home environment and during the course of their regular day. The programme recognises the role parents play in the education of their children and the value in creating a home environment that is conducive to learning. Families Connect is unique in that it focuses on three key areas:
1) Social and emotional development
2) Literacy & language development
3) Numeracy and mathematics
Each of the eight weekly workshops uses play as the vehicle for learning and interaction with parents and between parents and their children. A warm welcome is assured.
Mrs Gillen, School Principal, together with Mrs Crampsey, Early Years Leader, Mrs Lennie Kennedy Families Connect Facilitator, Pat Carlin and Laura Gallagher from GSAP launched the invaluable programme and the parents are eager to begin. If a parent has any questions about the programme, please contact Steelstown Primary School.
Monday 18th March – St Patrick’s Day Holiday
Wednesday 17th April – School Finishes at 12:30pm
Thursday 18th April to Friday 26th April – Easter Holidays
Monday 2nd May – Local Elections
Charity Focus

Our charity focus from now until Easter is Trócaire. Roisin
O’Hara visited our school last year and gave a talk and
presentation to all classes about Trócaire and the important
work the charity is involved in in places like Sierra Leone.

Certificate of Achievement awarded to pupils of Steelstown P.S. on completion of Levels 1 and 2 of National Standard Cycle Training. Every Pupil in the school was presented with High-Visibility Vests from Stustrans. Thank You to Ronan McLaughlin from Sustrans for all his support and Mrs O’Neill our Eco Co-ordinator for all her hard work.
Grandparents' Day

Today we celebrated Grandparents' Day. We had a beautiful mass in Our Lady of Lourdes Church, followed by afternoon tea and special grandparent poems by our pupils. The grandparents then visited the pupils' classrooms and received a personalized gift made by their grandchild. Thank you for a very special day.
NSPCC Number Day

Today we took part in NSPCC number day with lots of activities going on in the school. Key stage 2 had great fun competing in a Maths 24 Challenge. Well done to all the finalists and to Cara Harvey who is our new champion.
Luke Northern Ireland Cross Country

Well done Luke in N.Ireland Cross Country final today in Antrim . Great effort shown .
Between the Collon & the Border

Thank you to Mr. Joseph Martin on presenting "Between the Collon & the Border. A peoples history of Shantallow." book to Steelstown P.S.The School is working on a project studying the local area past and present. The book is written by Joseph Martin and Sean Quinn and is available locally and from hivestudiobooks (
Gardening - Any Volunteers

Steelstown P.S has a beautiful conservation area with raised planting beds. If you or a friend/relative has a little free time and would be willing to come in and help with planting and tending to the gardening, we would welcome your help and expertise. Please contact the school at the above number. Money is available for the ongoing work.
Steelstown Primary School & Nursery Unit, 40 Steelstown Road, Shantallow, Derry BT48 8EX Phone: 028 7135 1830