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Steelstown Primary School, Derry

October 2018 Memo


Attendance Board

We are introducing a new Attendance Award to Steelstown P.S. We will have an all new Attendance Board in the foyer of Steelstown to display best overall class attendance and our 100% attenders of the month. Keep an eye out for it when you’re in. Congratulations to Miss McElhinney's P2 class who won overall attendance for September.


Pupil of the Week


Green School

Steelstown P.S. is a green school. We are very proud of this achievement. We aim to be paperless with notes etc. However, if you would like a paper copy of the school newsletter, your child’s year newsletter, policies or information, please call at the school office to collect one.

Parents are encouraged to sign homework and reading each evening.


Attendance Reporting

We have put in new attendance procedures in Steelstown P.S. If your child is very sick and cannot attend school, you can log onto our school website and give reason for absence and expected date of return etc. This can be accessed on the main page or by visiting the parents tab and absence report section. Note: Holidays are not to be taken during term-time. Holidays cannot be agreed by us and will be reported to the EWO.

We will have monthly attendance reports. Overall class with highest attendance will be presented with their attendance reward for the month and all children with 100% attendance will be congratulated and put up on our new attendance board.


Dates for your Diary

1st October - 4th October - Scholastic Book Fair

5th October - 9:10am KS2 Assembly Mrs Murray's Class

7th October - Marty's Run 11am

8th October - 9am - 12:30 - School Council - Democracy Week in Guildhall

9th October - Parent Teacher Association Meeting - Friends of Steelstown

9th October - Cycling Training in School

10th October - 7pm Service of Light - Steelstown Chapel Primary 7

11th October - Health Visitor visits Nursery

12th October - KS1 Assembly - Mrs Devlin's Class

12th October - Cybersmart Presentation - P5A/B

12th October - Cross Country Team - Thornhill College

17th October - PATHs Information Session for Parents

17th October - School Draw

17th October - P5B Halloween Parade

26th October - Assembly - Year 6 Mr Morris

28th October - Do this in Memory Mass 11am Primary 4

30th October - Halloween Disco

30th October - Nursery Parent Teacher Meetings

9th April - Confirmation by Bishop McKeown Primary 7


After Schools Clubs


Sustrans Programme

We are involved in safe cycling programme. Many activities are planned. Please check the website for regular updates.


Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club runs each morning from 08:15am. Come along and meet other families and enjoy breakfast with your child.


School Draw

Your child has received draw cards for our Annual School Draw. We appreciate your generosity and kindness. All proceeds will go towards resources and opportunities for your child.



Mathletics is available to all Primary 4 to Primary 7 children. This can be accessed at home via the following link: Mathletics . All children have been given a log on in school. Please encourage children to log on at home and build points via the mathletics system. This will improve maths skills used in the school curriculum.


Parent Information Sessions

Which were held on Friday 28th September went well. Comments and evaluations were very positive and thankyou to all who attended and participated enthusiastically. We work in partnership with all of you to achieve the best for your child.


Accelerated Reader

Accelerated Reader is software for K-12 schools for monitoring the practice of reading. Students each have their own log in and can access the site via this link: Accelerated Reader

Pupils read books on the Accelerated Reader platform and then log on to complete quizzes at various levels for points.